Ace Instagram comedian, Lasisi Elenu revealed what he's currently working on, what fans should expect, relevance and life before and after face unveiling during a chat with HipHop World Magazine.
When asked what he was working on he said,
I am working on myself, doing more of Lasisi videos with animations and bringing different characters at the same time.
Overtime you came up anonymous and some people actually criticized your decision to unveil your identity, how has it been?
I think at a time before the face became a thing it was a good idea and after the face became unveiled it was also a better idea. Both times had their mark, so I don’t have regret of unveiling my face and the reception have been good at the time when I was not known to the time I became known.
Before the comedy Elenu series, what have you been doing?
I have been doing music, I also do voice-over, radio jingle. I was in radio before but music took much of my time.
Your brand is known through the Instagram platform, what if Instagram becomes obsolete in five years, what should your fans expect from you?
In life whatever we do, change and growth is a key thing. I do not know what five years from now has to offer us, but I can say for a fact that when that time comes there definitely would be something that people would transition to. So I don’t know what platform would be mostly used by people around the World but when that time comes, there would be something and people would definitely tune in to see what Lasisi has to offer.
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