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Pecadomo is a new one from the Peak Milk company and it’s with focal points is enhancing the culinary skills of people who use peak milk. The conventional bread and tea combination when a peak milk advertisement is shown has been displaced by introducing “Pecadomo”. PECADOMO stands for PEAK CAN DO MORE, basically pecadomo is a show that educates and celebrates the different cuisine that can be prepared with peak milk and people get a chance to express and share recipes. Pecadomo is showing on TV on TVC and NTA channel with Chef Gina as the host. Celebrities such KCEE, WAJE, NOBLE IGWE, DJ SOSE and more have also joined the Pecadomo family. Kiss Daniel performs at the Pecadomo Mother’s day celebration. Schools have also been given a opportunity to contest in the Pecadomo Nutrition competition with the chances of winning gift prizes.