Your ability to express yourself through a freestyle might turn you to a millionaire in the #CoolIsGree Challenge.
Here is your chance to get on the big stage! Gree is giving an opportunity to individuals with talents to be the next big thing!
Every single week, there is an opportunity to win a brand new Gree air conditioner and lots more in the Gree talent hunt!
Here is how to win: Do a minute song themed Air Is Free, Cool Is Gree, upload it to your social media pages with hashtag #coolisgree.
Contestants with the highest number of views every week wins a brand new Gree air conditioner, the overall winner at the end of 6 weeks’ wins 1 million naira and a free video shoot of their own song.
Follow @officialgreeac_ng and @officialhiptv for more details and to see the winners every week.
It’s your chance to make your mark in the music industry take part in this opportunity, own your voice and make it count! Air Is Free, Gree Is Cool | powered by HipTV.
Check the beat you are to freestyle to
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